Friday, December 21, 2007

Look Who's Talking

TED Talks
TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, they sponsor "ideas worth spreading". View the today's most "fascinating doers and thinkers" giving the "talk of their lives". There are over 150 free videos available for sharing under Creative Commons license.

photo: Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, speaking on compassion


Monday, November 05, 2007

Innovation Gets No Respect

With innovation at the top of corporate agendas these days, you'd expect to find managers treating it like a science. Yet as The Economist points out in this special report, innovation remains a frustratingly fuzzy notion. Few executives have any idea how to define it; fewer still have any idea of how to measure it.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Just in time for Halloween

A remote control spider covered in fur with red eyes that light up and a spider-like

I can't wait, especially after doing several "not remote enough" spider web face plants in the last couple of weeks. . .

Source: gear diary,

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

And you thought pop-ups were bad?

Just going near the upper right corner of this web page causes it to rip apart, realistic tearing sounds and all. It is particularly nasty and cheesy effect - right out of a Bruce Campbell movie.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Water Wall

Imagine a building made of water. It features liquid curtains for walls - curtains that not only can be programmed to display images or messages but can also sense an approaching object and automatically part to let it through.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Art - past and future

John Helgeson, The Florentine

"I have been working with digital art for a decade and still find it to be the most fascinating medium that I know.... The artists I admire most are De Kooning, Franz Kline, Goya, Edvard Munch and Richard Diebenkorn."

Thursday, May 31, 2007

all-in-one cooker, energy generator and fridge

An all-in-one cooker, energy generator and fridge could soon be improving quality of life in developing countries, thanks to an international project launched this week.

The £2m Stove for Cooking, Refrigeration and Electricity (SCORE) project aims to work with rural communities in Africa and Asia, where access to power is limited, to develop a versatile domestic appliance powered by biomass that will significantly improve health and welfare.

The team hopes that the device will also promote economic growth and reduce poverty by enabling communities to take ownership of its development and establish businesses from its manufacture, repair and application.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May 1st

First day of May. Its celebration probably originated in the spring fertility festivals of India and Egypt. The festival of the Roman goddess of spring, Flora, was celebrated from Apr. 28 to May 3. In medieval England the chief feature of the celebration of May Day was the Maypole; this was decorated with flowers and streamers, the loose ends of which were held by dancers, who encircled the pole, weaving intricate patterns as they passed each other in the dance. These dances are still performed for exhibition purposes in England and the United States. The Second Socialist International in 1889 designated May Day as the holiday for labor, and since that time it has been the occasion for demonstrations, parades, and speeches among socialists and communists.
*My mother's birthday was May 1st. She loved all things "May": her birthday, emeralds, lilly of the valley, and being a maypole girl. Happy Birthday Mom, wishing you everything May.

About Vermeer

His manner of seeing is the basic excellence of Vermeer's art - the thing that sets it apart from the work of other men. Where others had a genius for drawing or for colouration, he had a genius for vision. One arrives, while studying his work carefully, at a feeling that he looked at things harder than others have looked at them. . . His almost perfect rendering was the outcome of perfect understanding.

The Pocket Book of Old Masters, edited by Herman J. Wechsler, p. 100 Vermeer, by Philip L. Hale

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

So much potential . . .

New Design for the Rain Water Catch could address the drinking water shortages in Africa and elsewhere.

The UN just released a report saying that harvesting rain water could solve Africa’s drinking water problems. The web business, a company working to address water issues, has located a design for a rain water catch that appears to meet the UN recommendations head-on.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I just love this sentence

Backward-hopping gum chewers who try to conjugate Latin verbs, for example, are far more likely to fall over than to swallow their gum.

Thinking Backward Some Curable and Incurable Consequences of Cognitive Busyness

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

precocious, sensitive, inventive . . .

"There are a dozen or so characteristics of exceptionally creative persons."

Only a dozen?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Starry Night

A view from Hubble, courtesy of Nasa. It's a big universe - and it is full of art. For inspiration (and a little perspective) try the image galleries at
which present images from satellites and telescopes - gives a whole new meaning to seeing "the big picture".

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Boids of a Feather . . .

"Reynolds created a virtual flock of birds, called 'boids,' which flew according to three rules:
  • Always avoid collisions with your neighbors;
  • Always try to fly at the same speed as your neighbors;
  • Always try to stay close to you neighbors.
These three rules were sufficient to create the emergence of flocking behavior."
Imitation of Life How Biology is Inspiring Computing, Nancy Forbes

On another, bird-like note:

Tiny flying Web server set to swarm
A tiny helicopter that serves up a Web page over a wireless network has been made by UK scientists using off-the-shelf hardware.

The 70-gram prototype, is the first in a group of flying computers that are planned to one day combine swarm intelligence, the ability to maneuver like a flock of birds, and wireless computing, to process information the way cluster-based supercomputers do."

Murphy's Technology Laws

Just a few:

If the assumptions are wrong, so are the conclusions.

Try as you may, you can never tell which way the train went by looking at the tracks.

Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the universe and he will believe you. Tell him the bench has wet paint on it , and he will touch it to make sure.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Check out the beautiful interface, not to mention the beautiful art, at:
The timeline includes multiple ways to navigate and lots of drilldown opportunities.