Glossary of Naval Terms - Circa 1943
Passed on by my mother, a WAVE Captain during WWII:
Take necessary action - It's your headache now.
We should confer - Send your yeoman over to see mine.
Forwarded - Pigeon-holed in a more ornate office.
A growing Body of naval opinion - Two brass hats have agreed.
Take immediate action - Do something in a hurry before we both catch hell.
For your information - Let's both forget it.
Your observations are desired - Do the dirty work so I can write "forwarded".
Your department is negligent - I have just been given hell.
You are to be commended - This is a particularly dirty job coming in the next routing.
Naval tradition demands - I have just been talking to an old Chief.
Give this your immediate attention - For God's sake find the papers.
You will show him every courtesy - His uncle is an Admiral.
The inspection party has departed - How about a binge tonight?
Let's have a little more hubba - To hell with the priorities, let's get the routines out of here.