Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This web page will self-destruct in . . .

Users are distracted (taunted?) in so many ways today: moving pages, moving pop-ups, pop-ups that can't be closed, messages where OK and Cancel mean the same thing, i.e. Cancel does not in fact cancel.

For me, page curl - where the web page appears to be self-destructing by peeling off a layer of its skin (complete with a ripping sound) - is one of the most offensive.

I wish someone would do a study about time on site/page curl implementation; because when the tearing sound starts, I'm out of there. . .

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Semantics . . .

Glossary of Naval Terms - Circa 1943
Passed on by my mother, a WAVE Captain during WWII:

Take necessary action - It's your headache now.

We should confer - Send your yeoman over to see mine.

Forwarded - Pigeon-holed in a more ornate office.

A growing Body of naval opinion - Two brass hats have agreed.

Take immediate action - Do something in a hurry before we both catch hell.

For your information - Let's both forget it.

Your observations are desired - Do the dirty work so I can write "forwarded".

Your department is negligent - I have just been given hell.

You are to be commended - This is a particularly dirty job coming in the next routing.

Naval tradition demands - I have just been talking to an old Chief.

Give this your immediate attention - For God's sake find the papers.

You will show him every courtesy - His uncle is an Admiral.

The inspection party has departed - How about a binge tonight?

Let's have a little more hubba - To hell with the priorities, let's get the routines out of here.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Much Ado About Shoes

This was posted on Twitter today: BillPilgrim The holes in the soles of a lawyer's shoes have become a legal issue during a civil trial in Palm Beach Co

In the article, a lawyer (with, I assume, intact shoes) vehemently insists that the lawyer he is opposing has a great and unfair advantage by virtue of having (and displaying) a hole in his shoe.

Precedent might suggest otherwise. Consider Adlai Stevenson, democratic presidential candidate, much beloved for the hole in his shoe, yet still defeated by Eisenhower.

For the record, most of my shoes look like Adlai's - or worse.

Monday, July 06, 2009

What Would Dewayne and Charlie say?

I didn't design this layout. But I liked it, that is, until I started to hear the persistent voices of my previous boss and of my mentor nudging me to really analyze it.

Maybe sometimes hearing voices is a good thing. Dewayne was saying "why does it waste so much real estate?" and Charlie said "why doesn't it conform to standards?" Good questions guys (as usual). Here is the original interface and a suggested redesign. (click on thumbnails for larger view)

  • A tab control that doesn't look like a tab.
  • A tab-like presentation that uses almost one third of the screen space.
  • An unnecessary breadcrumb trail.
  • Non-standard positioning of Search entry field.
  • Horizontal scrolling.

Suggested Layout (based on same amount of screen real estate)
Design Suggestions:
  • Combine title and subtitle text to conserve vertical space.
  • Move Search entry field and button to standard upper right position to provide consistency and conserve vertical space.
  • Eliminate breadcrumb path to conserve vertical space.
  • Provide standard tab presentation to allow for three panel presentation of information.
  • Provide standard tab presentation to eliminate horizontal scrolling.
  • Divide third tab into text area and contact area, eliminating need for fourth level of data presentation.