Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Art of Searching

Interesting, appealing, easy to understand advanced search that provides users with lots of feedback and lots of options - from the Boundless Gallery site.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Changing the world - one mashup at a time

Net Squared - remixing the web for social change

Review submissions to the Mashup Project Gallery

Sample Project: The Human Side of the Digital Divide

12 Step Program for Usability

Many organizations can't understand why their software doesn't perform as expected, or why users make unexpected errors. According to David Crow, usability adviser at Microsoft Canada, and Jay Goldman, president of Radiant Core in Toronto, waking up to the need for usability testing is akin to hitting rock bottom. At the Free Software and Open Source Symposium at Seneca College in Toronto last month, the two offered a 12-step program for getting back on track, along with some recommended reading.

Heavenly Derby Day

It's Derby Day again. Happy Birthday Mom.

Wishing you several mint juleps and a Hot Brown . . .

Hot Brown History